Before you start selling you need to get business insurance, in particularly product liability insurance. If a customer is hurt while using your products then they can sue you, this insurance will protect you. Without it you could lose your home and possessions to a law suit. You can also insure your equipment, inventory etc.
Most insurers won’t sell business insurance to you direct, you need to go through an insurance broker. To find a good one look up reviews online. Once you contact one they’ll ask a series of questions to check your needs and then offer a few insurers to choose from and the costs. Many insurers don’t like insuring businesses that sell baby items due to the high liability but you should still have some to look at. If you can’t afford the insurance premium in one lump sum they will usually give you the option of paying monthly over 10 months this will usually cost a small amount more.
Another important factor is to tell your home insurance company you run a business from home. Some insurers won’t cover you for private insurance if you run a business from home. If yours won’t cover you shop around there are plenty that will cover you. If you were to have a fire that has nothing to do with your business the insurer may not pay if they find out you have a home business you didn’t tell them about.